
This may or may not be interesting, but I've recently had a string of rather memorable dreams. I think it's kind of cool, and when I go to sleep, I look forward to what I will experience that night in my dreamworld. It's just a shame that they evaporate so quickly once I wake up. For the most part, I'm left with a vague sense feeling like I've just been on an magnificent adventure but have forgotten most of it.

One of these was related to my recent foray into digital art. I was lying in bed in my room (not sure if it is my current or old room), and I had two giant canvases on either side of my window above my bed. I remember thinking they were grandiose, but of course I have no idea what was on them. Both canvases were incomplete, but the left one looked less complete.

Another dream was that I was at a theater, for plays and stuff. The theater's seats rose vertically almost exponentially as you went further back, and where I was sitting, the angle was super steep and I was high up, looking down onto the stage below. I was with N, a friend from Bozeman. It's funny because I haven't thought about N for a long time. Waking up that morning made me realize I was starting to forget the past at a surprising rate. I suppose this is rather omori-esque, although these dreams started happening many weeks after finishing the game. It is kinda scary how easily I've forgotten many of the names of the people I used to know.

Last night was rather discomforting, but I have no idea what it was. I just floated up to half-consciousness at around six AM, and I went back to sleep quickly.

There have been more, but they are escaping my grasp now, gone from my recollection forever.