Free-Write 3

This is a free-write, bla bla bla, check post 1. This particular one includes all my brainstorming activity. idk maybe I'll find a backup of this post sometime in the future and have a laugh.

Topic: Courage to Grow


new kid, again

what did i learn from moving so many times and having to start again? showing courage in making new friends. courage in trying new activities and being forced to change. courage in being proactive about making friends, breaking my personality. growing in learning to accept change. courage in advocating for myself to show people my skill level. courage in

DRAFT 1 (story about me):

I breathe in the sharp, jumbled smells of the school cafeteria. The sun shines bright through the windows, and the mass of students rings loud in my ear. I look around me at the unfamiliar walls and faces. Yup, I was the new kid, again. For the third time.

I was born in Delaware, but I lived in Italy for my pre-school years, Saudi Arabia for my elementary years, Montana from 6th to 10th grade, and now I'm in Indiana for the last two years of high school. While I've often envied my classmates' long-lasting friendships or their stability, I've come to realize that all this moving has changed me in an important way. It's broken me out of my shy, change-fearing shell, over and over again. I've had to proactively make new friends, join new clubs, and advocate for myself to show what I was capable of.

Now, I have friends all over the world. I've joined clubs for robotics, debate, cybersecurity, and even competitive programming. I'm the coding subteam lead for my robotics club, and I became the captain of the Lincoln-Douglass debate team.

I've learned that handling change is something I excel at, instead of something I should fear. It took a lot of courage, but now change excites me. I look forward to studying Computer Science at college, with all the change that brings. This scholarship would power my continued change and growth.

Above content may change as I edit and revise the essay