One Week

Holy moly it's already the last normal week of school! I have the rest of this week and finals week next week and that's it. Forever. High school, complete, done, finished, everything. Then, I guess it's on to bigger and better things right? Purdue University here I come! For real though, I can't believe that high school is actually about to end. I was a freshman not so long ago, and here I find myself, a senior, a valedictorian candidate, and ready to get out of here. This leaks why I'm actually writing here, haha. I'm trying to write my valedictorian speech, but with only 30 seconds, I'm struggling to come up with something good. I want it to be of high quality, but also funny, since a thirty second serious speech probably wouldn't get anywhere. Maybe simply slamming out this short blog post will help get my brain juices flowing. Anyway, time to get back to the final bit of the grind and figure what I'm going to say in this speech.